Mass Effect 2 日本語化 @ ウィキ

09:Zaeed 801-900



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        <data>Damn good rifle.</data>
        <data>Hey, don't touch. That rifle's older than you are.</data>
        <data>I call her Jessie. That's my lucky charm. More men have been killed with that gun than died in the Skyllian Blitz. </data>
        <data>The day I laid her to rest was the saddest day of my life. I'd give up every weapon I own for one more mission with that shitty old rifle.</data>
        <data>You think I won't roast my men just to kill you?</data>
        <data>Get ready, Zaeed! Here it comes!</data>
        <data>I should let you go. Talk more later, Shepard.</data>
        <data>Can't believe Vido got away. Twenty years of tracking, gone, just like that.</data>
        <data>But I gotta let that go. We have more important things to do.</data>
        <data>I'm not done with that asshole yet. It won't take me twenty years this time.</data>
        <data>I appreciate what you did down there. Might not seem like it, but you did the right thing.</data>
        <data>Killing Vido solves a lot of problems, and not just my own.</data>
        <data>Various Industrial Bits</data>
        <data>Fight through the burning refinery and stop Vido Santiago before he gets away.</data>
        <data>Defeat the Blue Suns</data>
        <data>Work through the burning building and activate the extinguisher system to save the trapped workers.</data>
        <data>Save the Trapped Workers</data>
        <data>Stop Vido Santiago before he gets away.</data>
        <data>Stop Vido Santiago</data>
        <data>After a tense confrontation with Vido Santiago, Zaeed took it upon himself to open the refinery gate... by blowing up the gatehouse. With the refinery in flames, Zaeed's only goal is to track down and kill Vido, whatever the cost.</data>
        <data>Zaeed: The Price of Revenge</data>
        <data>Zaeed's mission of revenge against Vido Santiago is resolved.</data>
        <data>Zaeed: The Price of Revenge</data>
        <data>"Bring firearms and antihistamines" is what veteran guides say about this lush garden world. First colonized in 2160, Zorya's temperate and tropical zones are overrun with plants and fungi of all kinds. As a result, the air in most habitable areas is choked with pollen and spores that range from benign to deadly. The scattered colonies across the planet have resorted to clear-cutting and slash-and-burn farming to create habitable zones, and the more rural areas, where the spores are thickest, are populated only by vorcha. Lax ecological laws allow mining and manufacturing industries to flourish and pollute cheaply, as the planet's carrying capacity far outstrips the current size of its colonies.

Zorya is also home to the Blue Suns mercenary company, who dominate the colonies' security forces. The Suns enjoy nearly unlimited influence with local politicians and judges, ensuring no other private military contractors can compete with them economically. Nearly every colony has a Suns recruiting station, if not a training camp, though this has hardly made the planet any safer. Piracy, drugs and vice, and political violence are commonplace.</data>
        <data>Planet: Zorya</data>
        <data>Founded in 2160 by the human mercenaries Zaeed Massani and Vido Santiago, the Blue Suns were initially a Skyllian Verge protection racket. As they expanded in numbers and influence, the two co-founders disagreed vehemently on many issues. Finally, after arguing about whether to recruit the slave-trading batarians into their ranks, Vido ambushed Zaeed and shot him in the head.

Believing Zaeed dead, Vido took full control of the Blue Suns and hired whatever batarians he pleased. Soon, he had crowned one named Solem Dal'serah as titular head of operations. It was a move designed to placate his batarian investors and draw fire from would-be assassins. It worked on both counts, and the partnership has lasted to this day.

Over the decades, the Suns grew into a fearsome combat force spanning dozens of planets in Citadel space, the Verge, and the Terminus Systems. Knowing that a good logistical team is key to fielding an army, Vido diversified the Suns, selling arms, training, and supplies as often as taking contracts to crack skulls. Even when the Suns suffered heavy losses, Vido's entrepenurial expertise ensured new recruits could replace the old. All that was lost was the truth -- today, only a handful of trusted mercs even know who Vido Santiago is, let alone his old partner Zaeed.</data>
        <data>Mercenaries: Blue Suns (Full History)</data>
        <data>Ismar Frontier</data>
        <data>"Mud, sweat and spores," is how Blue Suns mercenaries characterize the planet that gave birth to their home office. This lush garden world is known for its heavy plant and fungal life, creating spectacular jungle zones over much of its eight continents. Despite persistent problems with rot and rust, Zorya attracts investors and corporations from all throughout the galaxy, since it has exploited only a fraction of its potential resources. The Blue Suns dominate security contracts on Zorya, so much that residents describe them less like a monopoly and more like a conquering regime.

Colony Founded: 2160
Population: 148,000,000
Capital: Thun

Orbital Distance: 1.8 AU
Orbital Period: 2.4 Earth Years
Radius: 6,247 km
Day Length: 28.4 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.22 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: 33 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 1.0 G</data>
        <data>You witheld the evidence.</data>
        <data>Tali is exiled.</data>
        <data>Tali is Loyal.</data>
        <data>You presented the evidence.</data>
        <data>Tali is not exiled.</data>
        <data>Tali is not Loyal.</data>
        <data>Element Zero</data>
        <data>Cerberus Funding : &lt;CUSTOM2&gt;
Credits Found : &lt;CUSTOM0&gt;

Total Credits Earned : &lt;CUSTOM3&gt;</data>
        <data>Element Zero Found : &lt;CUSTOM0&gt;</data>
        <data>Palladium Found : &lt;CUSTOM0&gt;</data>
        <data>Platinum Found : &lt;CUSTOM0&gt;</data>
        <data>Iridium Found : &lt;CUSTOM0&gt;</data>
        <data>Eldfell-Ashland Corporation Funding: &lt;CUSTOM2&gt;
Credits Found : &lt;CUSTOM0&gt;

Total Credits Earned : &lt;CUSTOM3&gt;</data>
        <data>The Eldfell-Ashland Refinery is destroyed.</data>
        <data>Blue Suns Mercenaries have been eradicated from the Eldfell-Ashland Refinery.</data>
        <data>Refinery Worker</data>
        <data>Refinery Worker</data>


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