

FemtoCraft」(2013/12/01 (日) 19:42:38) の最新版変更点



#divid(page_edit){&topicpath()} #divclass(page_edit2){&link_edit(text=[編集]) &link_diff(text=[差分]) &link_backup(text=[履歴]) &link_upload(text=[アップロード]) &link_newpage(text=[新規])&space(4)最終更新日時:&update(format=Y/m/d H:i)|&space()編集者:&last_editor()} #divclass(clear){ } ---- #areaedit(only=editable) |~|&ref(logo.png)|>|&sizex(5){&bold(){FemtoCraft}}&br()&bold(){ここはMinecraft Classic用カスタムサーバ”FemtoCraft”のページです。}| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):公式サイト|http://femto.fcraft.net/| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):最新バージョン|1.35(2013.10.27)| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):ダウンロード|http://femto.fcraft.net/#download| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):開発言語|Mono| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):コード|[[SVN>http://svn.fcraft.net:8080/svn/femtocraft/]], [[ohloh.net>https://www.ohloh.net/p/FemtoCraft]]| #areaedit(end) **Femtocraftについて ---- #areaedit(only=editable) [[fCraft]]制作者fragmerが作成したmojang公式が配布してるminecraft_classic_serverをベースにしたカスタムサーバです。 #areaedit(end) **ニュース ---- #areaedit(only=editable) #areaedit(end) **リリース情報 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) &litalic(){2013.10.27} ・1.35 Fixed ops being checked against max-connections setting, instead of op-max-connections setting. Added a config option to allow Mojanged (email-only) player names. Fixed occasional unnecessary line-wrapping in messages. Improved logging of sign-in problems. &litalic(){2013.09.01} ・1.28 Added support for two [[Classic Protocol Extensions>>http://wiki.vg/Classic_Protocol_Extension]]: CustomBlocks and BlockPermission. Added protocol-extension and physics-snow configuration options. &litalic(){2013.08.18} ・1.06 Added heartbeat-url configuration option. &litalic(){2012.06.14} ・1.03 Fixed excessive "Map saved to ___" messages popping up every minute. Ported LineWrapper fixes and improvements from fCraft to FemtoCraft. &litalic(){2012.03.02} ・1.00 Added /gen (realistic terrain) and /genflat (flatgrass) commands, for creating new map files. Added new configuration options to control whether guests/ops can use solid, water, lava, and grass blocks. Added a packet-throttling system to prevent client disconnects during particularly huge floods. Fixed /solid, /water, /lava, and /grass being usable from console. Fixed generated tree appearance to match Minecraft Classic more closely. Fixed stairs not stacking when physics are off. Fixed server re-sending the packet back to client when deleting blocks. &litalic(){2012.02.27} ・0.92 Added "reveal-ops" config key. Fixed a bug that sometimes redirected commands to the caller instead of the target. Fixed an offset error in /setspawn. Map will now only be auto-saved if it has been modified since last save. Fixed server announcing departure of players who haven't fully connected yet. /Players is now automatically called for newly-connected players. &litalic(){2012.02.27} ・0.87 /ops, /whitelist, and /players now sort players by name. Fixed /save not working from console (thanks Hellenion) Fixed /players (thanks Hellenion) Fixed /setspawn not preserving look angle. Fixed leading/trailing whitespace not getting stripped from commands typed in from console. Added a slightly more graceful way to shut down the server - Ctrl+D in console (Ctrl+Z on Windows). &litalic(){2012.02.26} ・0.82 Added feedback messages to /save Added /players command Fixed "/physics off" not working Fixed a typo in /UnbanIP (thanks Moose) Capped packet sending rate at 100/tick Fixed "invalid cross-device link" error under Mono (thanks Hellenion) &litalic(){2012.01.23} ・0.77 Initial release #areaedit(end) **アップデート内容 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) #areaedit(end) **CUI・サーバの設定の説明 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) &ref(femto.png) #areaedit(end) **コマンド一覧 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) #areaedit(end) **基本的なコマンド ---- #areaedit(only=editable) ※基本は /(スラッシュ)の後にコマンド名を入れます。   続きがあれば半角スペースを空けて、更にコマンド名を入れて下さい。 ※水やマグマを消したい場合は適当なブロックを置くと消えます。 ※プレイヤー名・ワールド名は省略が可能で最初の数文字だけでもOK。 ***一般コマンド |BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):/w(/water)|BGCOLOR(#fff):COLOR(#000):青ブロックを置くと水になるモードON,OFF| |BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):/l(/lava)|BGCOLOR(#fff):COLOR(#000):赤ブロックを置くとマグマになるモードON,OFF| |BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):/s(/solid)|BGCOLOR(#fff):COLOR(#000):石ブロックを置くと岩盤になるモードON,OFF。OP以下は岩盤は壊せません| #areaedit(end) ----
#divid(page_edit){&topicpath()} #divclass(page_edit2){&link_edit(text=[編集]) &link_diff(text=[差分]) &link_backup(text=[履歴]) &link_upload(text=[アップロード]) &link_newpage(text=[新規])&space(4)最終更新日時:&update(format=Y/m/d H:i)|&space()編集者:&last_editor()} #divclass(clear){ } ---- #areaedit(only=editable) |~|&ref(logo.png)|>|&sizex(5){&bold(){FemtoCraft}}&br()&bold(){ここはMinecraft Classic用カスタムサーバ”FemtoCraft”のページです。}| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):公式サイト|http://femto.fcraft.net/| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):最新バージョン|1.35(2013.10.27)| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):ダウンロード|http://femto.fcraft.net/#download| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):開発言語|Mono| |~|~|BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):コード|[[SVN>http://svn.fcraft.net:8080/svn/femtocraft/]], [[ohloh.net>https://www.ohloh.net/p/FemtoCraft]]| #areaedit(end) **Femtocraftについて ---- #areaedit(only=editable) [[fCraft]]制作者fragmerが作成したmojang公式が配布してるminecraft_classic_serverをベースにしたカスタムサーバです。 #areaedit(end) **ニュース ---- #areaedit(only=editable) #areaedit(end) **リリース情報 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) &italic(){2013.10.27} ・1.35 Fixed ops being checked against max-connections setting, instead of op-max-connections setting. Added a config option to allow Mojanged (email-only) player names. Fixed occasional unnecessary line-wrapping in messages. Improved logging of sign-in problems. &italic(){2013.09.01} ・1.28 Added support for two [[Classic Protocol Extensions>>http://wiki.vg/Classic_Protocol_Extension]]: CustomBlocks and BlockPermission. Added protocol-extension and physics-snow configuration options. &italic(){2013.08.18} ・1.06 Added heartbeat-url configuration option. &italic(){2012.06.14} ・1.03 Fixed excessive "Map saved to ___" messages popping up every minute. Ported LineWrapper fixes and improvements from fCraft to FemtoCraft. &italic(){2012.03.02} ・1.00 Added /gen (realistic terrain) and /genflat (flatgrass) commands, for creating new map files. Added new configuration options to control whether guests/ops can use solid, water, lava, and grass blocks. Added a packet-throttling system to prevent client disconnects during particularly huge floods. Fixed /solid, /water, /lava, and /grass being usable from console. Fixed generated tree appearance to match Minecraft Classic more closely. Fixed stairs not stacking when physics are off. Fixed server re-sending the packet back to client when deleting blocks. &italic(){2012.02.27} ・0.92 Added "reveal-ops" config key. Fixed a bug that sometimes redirected commands to the caller instead of the target. Fixed an offset error in /setspawn. Map will now only be auto-saved if it has been modified since last save. Fixed server announcing departure of players who haven't fully connected yet. /Players is now automatically called for newly-connected players. &italic(){2012.02.27} ・0.87 /ops, /whitelist, and /players now sort players by name. Fixed /save not working from console (thanks Hellenion) Fixed /players (thanks Hellenion) Fixed /setspawn not preserving look angle. Fixed leading/trailing whitespace not getting stripped from commands typed in from console. Added a slightly more graceful way to shut down the server - Ctrl+D in console (Ctrl+Z on Windows). &italic(){2012.02.26} ・0.82 Added feedback messages to /save Added /players command Fixed "/physics off" not working Fixed a typo in /UnbanIP (thanks Moose) Capped packet sending rate at 100/tick Fixed "invalid cross-device link" error under Mono (thanks Hellenion) &italic(){2012.01.23} ・0.77 Initial release #areaedit(end) **アップデート内容 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) #areaedit(end) **CUI・サーバの設定の説明 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) &ref(femto.png) #areaedit(end) **コマンド一覧 ---- #areaedit(only=editable) #areaedit(end) **基本的なコマンド ---- #areaedit(only=editable) ※基本は /(スラッシュ)の後にコマンド名を入れます。   続きがあれば半角スペースを空けて、更にコマンド名を入れて下さい。 ※水やマグマを消したい場合は適当なブロックを置くと消えます。 ※プレイヤー名・ワールド名は省略が可能で最初の数文字だけでもOK。 ***一般コマンド |BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):/w(/water)|BGCOLOR(#fff):COLOR(#000):青ブロックを置くと水になるモードON,OFF| |BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):/l(/lava)|BGCOLOR(#fff):COLOR(#000):赤ブロックを置くとマグマになるモードON,OFF| |BGCOLOR(#eee):COLOR(#000):/s(/solid)|BGCOLOR(#fff):COLOR(#000):石ブロックを置くと岩盤になるモードON,OFF。OP以下は岩盤は壊せません| #areaedit(end) ----

