
Member(Datum, List)
Mix(D1, D2, ・・・)
Mixadd(ML, Datum)
Mixsub(range,MS or ML)
Assign(string, name, value )
Assign(name, value)
Fracform(x{, tol})
Derivative(function(string), value(vector) f,order of variableg)
Integrate(function(string), variable, interval)

Commands for Setting(セッティングのためのコマンド)


Setwindow([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax])
Setax(linestyle, hname, hposition, vname, vposition, oname, oposion)
Setpen(it ratio )
Setunitlen( UnitLen )
Setarrow(Size { Angle {, Position {, Thickness}}} {, String})
Ketinit( )

Space drawing(Parallel Projection)(空間描画ー平行射影)

Setangle( θ, ϕ )
Initangle( )

Space Drawing (Perspective Projection) (空間描画ー透視射影)

Setpers( Watch, Eye )
SetstereoL(R, θ, ϕ, Δ)
SetstereoR(R, θ, ϕ, Δ)

Commands for Making Plot Data ( PD )

Plane Figures

Plotdata(Function, Range, Options)
Listplot(list of points or MS of lists of points)
Lineplot(pointA, pointB{, ratio})
Paramplot( [a pair of parametric functons ] , range, options)
Rotatedata(PD1, angle(radian), center )
Translatedata(PD1, x direction, y direction)
Scaledata(PD1, x direction , y direction {,center }]
Reflectdata(PD1, point)
Reflectdata(PD, [ P1 , P2 ])
Pointdata(point, ・・・ )
Circledata(center, radius, options)
Framedata([a, b], dx{, dy})
Framedata([x1, x2], [y1, y2])
Hatchdata( MS of patterns, {, starting pointg, sequence of MS of closed curves){,anglef,width} } )
Enclosing(MS of curves {, point})
Dotfilldata(MS of pattern list{, starting point}, sequence of MS of closed curves{,density})
Bowdata( point1, point2{, curvature {,cut } } )
Bowmiddle( point1, point2{, curvature })
Splinedata(list or listplot of points, options)
Skeleton2data(MS of a curve1,MS of a curve2 {,size })
Anglemark(pointA, pointB, pointC {, size})
Paramark(pointA, pointB, pointC {, size})
Sumfun({ constant term, }general term, list of index, range {, N=number of points })
Implicitplot(f(x, y), range of x, range of y {, division number})
Implicitplot(Zvalue, Xvalue, Yvalue)
Deqplot(right-hand side of eq, range of x, name of function, x0, y0{, number of points})
Deqplot(equation, x range, x0, y0{, number of point})

Space Figures

Spaceline( list or MS of points )
Spacecurve( list of functions, range, options )
Rotate3data(PD3, vectorV1, vectorV2 {, center})
Rotate3data(PD3, axis of rotation, angle {, center})
Translata3data(PD3, translation vectorV)
Xyzax3data( range of x , range of y , range of z )
Projpara( sequence of PD3 or MS)
Projpers( sequence of PD3 or MS)
Skeletonparadata(MS1 of space curves, MS2 of space curves {, size {, threshold amount}} )
Skeletonpara3data(MS1 of space curves, MS2 of space curves {, size {, threshold amount}} )
Skeletonpersdata(( MS1 of space curves, MS2 of space curves {, size {, threshold amount}} )
Skeletonpers3data(( MS1 of space curves, MS2 of space curves {, size {, threshold amount}} )
Embed( 2-d PD( list ), function )

Drawing Polyhedron

Phcutdata(MS of vetices VL, MS of face indices FL, plane data PlaneD)
Phcutoffdata(VL, FL, PlaneD, sign)
Phparadata(VL, FL), Phpersdata(VL, FL)
Phsparadata(MS of PhD),Phspersdata(MS of PhD)
Phsrawparadata(MS of PhD), Phsrawpersdata(MS of PhD)
Faceremovaldata(PD of a curve, PD of a face, type of projection)

Generating LaTeX code


Windisp(sequence of PD or MS )
Openfile( filename )
Beginpicture( unitlength )
Endpicture( 1 ), Endpicture( 0 )
Closefile( )

Plot Data

Drwline( sequence of PD or MS f, thicknessg )
Dashline( sequence of PD or MS f, length of solid part f gapg g )
Invdashline( sequence of PD or MS f, length of solid part f gapg g )
Dottedline( sequence of PD or MS f, interval of points f point sizeg g )
Arrowline( pointA, pointB f, size f, angle f, positionf, thicknessg g f, stringg g )
Arrowhead( position, directionf, sizef, angleg, stringg )
Arrowhead( pointP, PD of a curve f, size f, angleg, stringg )
Drwpt(sequence of points f, shadeg)
Drwxy( )
Htickmark( position, direction, expression , ...)
Htickmark( m..n..r.. )
Vtickmark( m..n..r.. )
Shade( sequence of PD or MS f, densityg )

Writing Expressions and Letters

Letter( position, direction, string, ... )
Expr( position, direction, string, ... )
Letterrot( position, direction vector f, tangential direction f, normal directiongg, string)
Exprrot( position, direction vector f, tangential direction f, normal directiongg, expression)
Openphr( user command name of TEX),Closephr( )
Openpar( user command name of TEX,width ), Closepar( )
Fontsize(size string )
Texcom( TEX command )
Bowname(expression )
Bowname(archdata, expression )
Bownamerot( expressionf, turningg )
Bownamerot( archdata, expressionf, turningg )
Xyzaxparaname( plotdata of axe flabel of x, y label, z label gf,small movementg )
Xyzaxpersname( plotdata of axe flabel of x, y label, z label gf,small movementg )

Manipulating of Plot data

Plane Figures

Joingraphics( sequence of PD )
Joincrvs( sequence of PD )
Intersectcrvs(PD1, PD2)
IntersectcrvsPp(PD1, PD2)
Intersectlines(L1, L2)
Nearestpt( P, PD )
Nearestpt( PD1, PD2 )
Ptstart(PD), Ptend( PD)
Numptcrv( PD)
Ptcrv( n, PD)
Pointoncrv( s, PD)
Paramoncrv(P f, ng, PD)
Partcrv( S1, S2, PD of a curve )
Partcrv( pointA, pointB, PD of a curve )
Droppoint(PD f, limit valueg)
Powersum( Coefficients(MS), value x f, center cg )
FouriercoeffL(Function, period T, number of term N )
Fouriersum( Fourier Coeff’s MS, value)

Space Figures

Partcrv3( S1, S2, PD of a space curve )
Rotate3pt(point, vectorV1, vectorV2 f, centerg)
Rotate3pt(point, rotation axis, angle f, centerg)
Parapt( point )
Zparapt( point )
Invparapt( point P it of 2D, PD3d )
Invparapt( parameter S, PD2d, PD3d )
Perspt( point )
Invperspt( point P it of 2D, PD3d )
Invperspt( parameter S, PD2d, PD3d )
Cancoordpers( projective coordinate [X, Y, Z] )
Viewfrom(vector V, PD3d f, optins of displayg)

Drawing Surfaces

To Define Function Data

Mix( function, range of x, range of y, f boundary g )
Mix( function z, function x, function y, range of U, range of V f, boundaryg )
Mix( p , function x, function y, function z, range of U, range of V f, boundaryg )

Wire-frame Figure

Sf3data(Scilab)(FD, f,number (list ) of points f,number of woof partitions, number of warp partitionsgg)
Sfparadata(FD, f,number (list ) of points f,number of woof partitions, number of warp partitionsgg)
Sfpersdata(FD, f,number (list ) of points f,number of woof partitions, number of warp partitionsgg)

Silhouette Curves

Sfbdparadata(FD f,number list of woof and warp partitions, limit value 1, limit value 2g)
Sfbdpersdata(FD f,number list of woof and warp partitions, limit value 1, limit value 2g)

Adding Wires

Wireparadata(silhouette curves, FD, number of woof, number of warp f, partition, limit 1, limit 2g)
Wirepersdata(silhouette curves, FD, number of woof, number of warp f, partition, limit 1, limit 2g)

Surface and Curve

2D Curve on Parameters Plane

Crvonsfparadata(PD2d of a curve, silhouette curves, FD, options)
Crvonsfpersdata(PD2d of a curve, silhouette curves, FD, options)

3D curve on Surface

Crv3onsfparadata(Pd3d of a curve, silhouette curves, FD, options)
Crv3onsfpersdata(Pd3d of a curve, silhouette curves, FD, options)

3D curve not necessary on Surface

Crvsfparadata(Pd3d of a curve, silhouette curves, FD, options)
Crvsfpersdata(Pd3d of a curve, silhouette curves, FD, options)


Intersectcrvsf(Pd3d of a curve , FD, options)

Cutting Surface

Sfcutdata(FD, cutting plane or surface f, partitiong )
Sfcutoffparadata(FD, cutting plane or surface, sign f , partitiong )
Sfcutoffrawparadata(FD, cutting plane or surface, sign f , partitiong )
Sfcutoffpersdata(FD, cutting plane or surface, sign f , partitiong )
Sfcutoffrawpersdata(FD, cutting plane or surface, sign f , partitiong )


Readtextdata(file name, fstarting pointg ,options)
Newlength( )
最終更新:2013年12月03日 21:17