

Option Explicit

Private Const debug_flag = 0

Private Sub Application_NewMailEx(ByVal EntryIDCollection As String)

  If debug_flag = 1 Then
    MsgBox ("Application_NewMailEx")
  End If

  SaveToTxt EntryIDCollection


Private Sub SaveToTxt(ByVal EntryIDCollection As String)

  If debug_flag = 1 Then
    MsgBox ("SaveToTxt")

  Const AUTO_SAVE_TITLE = "テストメール"
  Const AUTO_SAVE_ADDRESS = "hoge@hoge.net"
  Const TEXT_FILE = "D:\hoge.txt"

  Dim i As Integer
  Dim arrEntryId
  Dim myMsg
  Dim stmTxt
  Set stmTxt = Nothing

  arrEntryId = Split(EntryIDCollection, ",")

  For i = LBound(arrEntryId) To UBound(arrEntryId)
    Set myMsg = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(arrEntryId(i))

    If debug_flag = 1 Then
      MsgBox (myMsg.SenderEmailAddress)
      MsgBox (myMsg.Subject)
    End If

    If InStr (myMsg.Subject, AUTO_SAVE_TITLE) > 0 And InStr (myMsg.SenderEmailAddress, AUTO_SAVE_ADDRESS) Then
      If stmTxt Is Nothing Then
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        '[引数3]ファイル無い場合 True:新規作成、False:エラーコード
        '[引数4]0:ASCII、-1:Unicode、-2:System value
        Set stmTxt = objFSO.OpenTextFile(TEXT_FILE, 2, True, -1)
      End If

      stmTxt.writeline myMsg.Body

      If debug_flag = 1 Then
        MsgBox (myMsg.Body)
      End If

    End if


  If Not stmTxt Is Nothing Then
  End If

End Sub
最終更新:2014年04月07日 23:21